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12 Tips to Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Efficiently Without Breaking the Bank


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Summer is around the corner and temperatures are rising. As such, the electric bills are bound to fluctuate, increasing as more people run the air conditioner. Luckily there are some methods to help things run more smoothly, ensuring cost and energy efficiency.

Like most things, using the air conditioner has an upside and a downside. For example, air conditioners serve an important function, protecting people from the sweltering sun and heat. However, they’re also a major contributor to the environmental effects of global warming, which has led to an increase in fatal heat waves over the years. Sadly, scientists predict the temperatures will continue to increase, annually. Luckily, some things can be done to meet somewhere in the middle, ensuring your family’s safety without causing excess harm to the planet.
1. Unclog the Air Conditioner

Cleaning all the vents and piping throughout the air conditioner system is one sure way to prevent any blockages that will disrupt airflow. Cleaning the air conditioner system can also be done by a professional. Either way, it’ll save money and energy if air can travel freely through the system, dispursing through the house.
2. Call an Air Conditioner Professional

Whether you clean the air conditioner system on your own or hire a professional, it’s a good idea to have a professional examine the system regardless. They’ll be able to inform you of things like poor airflow or faulty pipes and wiring.
3. Keep a Consistent Temperature
Keeping the temperature in the same range throughout the day will prevent the air conditioner from overworking during the hottest parts of the day.
4. Increase the Temperature

Many people make the mistake of turning the thermostat down to 65. However, it’s bad for the environment and your energy bills. Instead, try to keep the thermostat around 70 degrees, as it can decrease energy usage by about 20%.
5. Turn off the Air Conditioner
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