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Simple Delights: Spinach and Green Onion Pan Flatbread


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In the bustling world of convenience foods, there’s something truly magical about the aroma of homemade bread wafting through the air. Today, we invite you on a journey into the heart of culinary simplicity, where flour, water, and a few select ingredients transform into a delectable treat that’s bound to tantalize your taste buds. Say goodbye to the oven and hello to the stovetop as we unveil the secret to crafting the best flatbread you’ve ever tasted—all in the comfort of your own kitchen. Join us as we dive into the art of breadmaking and discover the joy of creating something truly special from scratch.

Warm Water (300 milliliters / 1 1/2 cups): The foundation of our flatbread, warm water activates the yeast and helps to bind the dough together, resulting in a soft and pliable texture. Ensuring the water is just the right temperature—neither too hot nor too cold—is essential for successful breadmaking, as it encourages the yeast to work its magic and create light and airy bread.
Salt (1 teaspoon / 7 grams): Adding depth of flavor and enhancing the overall taste of our flatbread, salt plays a crucial role in balancing the sweetness of the dough and imparting a savory richness to the finished product. Sprinkled sparingly into the dough, salt helps to regulate yeast activity and strengthen the gluten structure, resulting in a well-rounded and delicious loaf of bread.

Egg (1): With its rich and creamy texture, egg enriches our flatbread dough, adding moisture and richness that result in a tender and flavorful crumb. Beaten lightly and incorporated into the dough, egg contributes to the golden color and velvety texture of the finished bread, elevating it from ordinary to extraordinary.
Flour (550 grams / 4 1/5 cups): The backbone of our flatbread, flour provides structure and texture, giving our dough the strength to rise and expand during baking. Using a combination of all-purpose and whole wheat flour creates a balanced flavor profile and a chewy texture that’s both satisfying and delicious.
Green Onions (40 grams, chopped) and Spinach (50 grams, chopped): Bursting with freshness and vibrant green color, green onions and spinach add a pop of flavor and a hint of sweetness to our flatbread. Chopped finely and scattered throughout the dough, these nutritious ingredients infuse our bread with their unmistakable aroma and delicate taste, creating a truly memorable culinary experience.
Continued on next page (page 2)



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