
4 Ways Your Body May Be Telling You Something’s Wrong


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4 Ways Your Body May Be Telling You Something’s Wrong

Your body continually sends you signals. If you pay attention, it will alert you when something is not quite right. Some of these indications are clear, such as a stuffy nose with a cold or a fever with the flu or an infection, while others of ill health are less obvious.

Others, however, are far more subtle. Signs of a chronic health condition may not always be obvious. While chronic concerns are typically less threatening than acute health problems, if not handled, they can lead to more significant consequences. Because of this, paying attention to them is critical.

Your body can communicate in a variety of subtle ways. While this list is neither exhaustive or intended to diagnose, the following are 4 indications of bad health and how to deal with them.

4 Subtle Signs of Poor Health
1. A Crawling or Achy Feeling in Your Legs
If you feel a crawling sensation in your legs or have an uncontrolled urge to move, you may have restless leg syndrome (RLS), which is a sign of poor health. It usually happens in the evening or at night, while you’re seated or lying down.

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