
Stubborn toilet limescale disappears with this ingredient


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Stubborn toilet limescale disappears with this ingredient

The perfect ingredient for home cleaning, also excellent against limescale. Here is the product that you surely have at home.

House cleaning is never too simple if you don’t have the right products to use. The room that undoubtedly requires the most attention in terms of hygiene and cleanliness is undoubtedly the bathroom. Witness and home to numerous bacteria and accumulations of dirt, it is also the place where limestone forms most easily.

Lime in the toilet but not only, where it settles most easily and how to combat it

In a bathroom division of an imaginary house,  the toilet is undoubtedly the first place in terms of bacteria and dirt residue  . The common idea is not entirely wrong, since given the type of use it is given and its operation, in addition to bacteria, lime is added to the toilet which, if not treated properly, can lead to stains over time. and streaks of an unpleasant brown color.

If you have a glass shower, it will probably take second place in the ideal ranking of the dirtiest places. The annoying droplets of lime that settle on both the glass and the tiles contribute to the idea of ​​dirt and unkemptness, leaving halos and stains.



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