
Homemade cheese with herbs from Provence



Bottom Line:
Making your own cheese at home is not only rewarding, but it also allows you to enjoy a fresher, healthier product that is tailored to your tastes. This homemade Provencal Herb and Chia Seed Cheese offers a delicious combination of creamy texture and herbaceous flavors that can enhance a variety of dishes. Whether you use it in salads, sandwiches, or simply enjoy it on its own, this cheese is sure to become a favorite. It’s a simple, satisfying, and nutritious addition to any diet.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Can I use plant milk to make this cheese?
    Yes, but the texture and flavor will be different; use soy or almond milk and adjust the setting agents accordingly.
  2. What can I do with leftover whey?
    Whey can be used in smoothies, soups or as a liquid in bread making.
  3. Can I skip the gelatin?
    If I don’t use gelatin, the cheese will be softer. Agar-agar can be used as a vegetarian substitute.
  4. Can I make this cheese without chia seeds?
    Yes, chia seeds are optional and can be omitted or replaced with flax seeds.
  5. How to make cheese firmer?
    Increase the pressing time or add an extra teaspoon of gelatin.
  6. Is it necessary to press cheese?
    Pressing helps firm up the cheese and remove excess moisture, improving its texture.
  7. Can I add other herbs or spices?
    Absolutely, try adding garlic powder, dill or red pepper flakes for variety.
  8. How long does cheese last in the refrigerator?
    It will last about 5 days if stored in an airtight container.
  9. Can I freeze cheese?
    Freezing can change its texture and make it crumbly. It is best to eat it fresh.
  10. Is this cheese suitable for people with lactose intolerance?
    It depends on the milk used; lactose-free milk can be used as a replacement for people with lactose sensitivity.




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