
Kill all cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes in 1 hour with this powerful blend!



insecticide maison
If, despite all our efforts, the insects really do not want to come out of their tents, we will necessarily have to resort to strong measures using an insecticide. There are different types on the market, but they are toxic and, especially if we have children or animals at home, it is not a good idea to use them. We are going to create a natural insecticide, very effective and absolutely non-harmful for those who live at home, we will need half a cup for each of these:

vegetable oil,
delicate shampoo,
White wine vinegar.
Simply mix the three elements in a spray bottle and spray the most infested areas. Initially, we use the product daily, then, as the problem disappears, we extend its use over time.

We will finally be able to permanently expel cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes!




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