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Simple Delights: Spinach and Green Onion Pan Flatbread



Salt (1/2 teaspoon) and Red Pepper (1/2 teaspoon): A pinch of salt and a dash of red pepper add a subtle kick of heat and a burst of flavor to our flatbread, elevating its taste and making each bite a delight for the senses. Balanced perfectly with the sweetness of the dough and the freshness of the green onions and spinach, these spices create a harmonious blend of flavors that’s sure to impress even the most discerning palate.
Butter (100 grams): With its rich and creamy texture, butter adds a touch of indulgence to our flatbread, lending it a golden crust and a melt-in-your-mouth richness that’s simply irresistible. Melted and brushed generously over the cooked flatbread, butter enhances its flavor and adds a luxurious finish that’s sure to please even the most discerning diner.
Preparation Method:
In a spacious mixing bowl, blend together lukewarm water, salt, and an egg until thoroughly mixed.
Gradually introduce flour into the amalgamation of wet ingredients, stirring steadily with a wooden spoon until a supple dough takes form.

Transfer the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead it diligently for approximately 5-7 minutes, or until it attains a smooth and pliable consistency.
Return the kneaded dough to the mixing bowl, ensconcing it beneath a pristine kitchen towel, and allow it to recline for a span of 30 minutes to 1 hour, enabling it to undergo fermentation and imbibe flavors.
Once the dough has luxuriated in its rest, partition it into uniform segments and shape each portion into a spherical form.
Flatten each dough ball into circular discs, aiming for a thickness of around 1/4 inch.
In a skillet warmed over medium heat, liquefy a dollop of butter. Introduce the flattened dough rounds to the skillet and cook them for approximately 2-3 minutes on each side, or until they assume a resplendent golden hue and exhibit signs of thorough cooking.
While the flatbreads are being cooked, fashion the filling: In a distinct skillet, melt butter over a medium flame. Introduce chopped green onions and spinach to the melted butter, along with salt and red pepper. Saute the medley until the vegetables are tender and exude a fragrant aroma, typically requiring 3-4 minutes.
Once the flatbreads have achieved culinary perfection, extract them from the skillet and arrange them tastefully on a serving platter.
Liberally distribute the sauteed green onions and spinach atop each flatbread, ensuring a uniform coverage.

Serve the flatbreads warm, accompanied by an optional provision of melted butter for brushing, should one desire an added touch of indulgence.
Continued on next page (page 3)



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