
The age-old trick to remove all the hair and dust from the house in just 2 minutes



Dust and Hair: Two Dangerous Things
If you share your living space with other people or animals, including pets, keeping your house clean and organized might seem like an uphill fight. It seems like you can’t keep up with how quickly hair and dust are piling up. It might be tiring to constantly sweep or vacuum. Dust also makes your house seem unclean and may be harmful to your respiratory health, especially if you suffer from allergies.

Next, how about our manes? Our daily hair loss just makes housekeeping more of a chore. Most of the time, standard brooms and dusters aren’t up to the task, or at least they aren’t fast enough.

If you’re longing for a spotless home in no time at all, then you’ve got to keep reading because we’re about to spill the beans on the secret strategy that will revolutionize your cleaning regimen.

Using an Age-Old Cleaning Method
Our houses take on an untidy appearance as the day goes on due to the accumulation of dust and hair on the flooring. But there is a little method that works wonders and won’t even take two minutes of your time. A discovery is about to be revealed that will help you save time and effort.

Put off purchasing that new electric broom or that powerful vacuum cleaner for the time being. You can find the answer by reaching for your reliable bristle brush. Our method will make ordinary brooms seem like they’re just spreading dust. Just place a plastic bag over the bristles of the broom. That’s all.

Although it may seem strange, rubbing a plastic bag across the floor creates enough static charge to draw in dust, hair, and other particles. This easy-to-implement method will avoid dust from accumulating on your furniture and grime from being tracked around your house by the broom.

Plus, what’s even better? Since you probably already own the broom and some plastic bags, it’s a really inexpensive option. This cleaning method has been followed by many ladies and has produced outstanding results.

Try it out; you’ll end up saving both time and money. We do have some more realistic suggestions, however, for when dust gets stuck on your shelves, furniture, or appliances.
There are more useful ways for keeping a clean and orderly house besides the age-old tip to eradicate hair and dust. The following are some suggestions from the cleaning industry:

1. Consistent Cleaning
If you don’t want dust and filth to build up in your house, you should clean it often.

2. Deal with Fabrics
Throw pillows, couches, and drapes should be vacuumed at least three times weekly, more often if they are synthetic and therefore prone to dust and mite infestations.

3. Air Flow
If you want to keep dust and other allergens out of your house, you should open the windows for five minutes every day.

4. Removing Shoes
To avoid bringing outside debris, such as hair, grime, and dust, into your home, remove your shoes before entering.



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