
The Key To Staying Young And Healthy Is Eating Exactly What You Want


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t’s no secret that America has a problem with obesity. We’re also a society that’s obsessed with physical appearances.

Consequently, we’ve created an entire industry, largely based on myths and fads, dedicated to weight loss.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy. Yet, experts continue to agree that dieting doesn’t work.

Indeed, diets are consistently ineffective and they only serve to further people’s insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. Not to mention, they lead people to stress over something that’s as necessary and natural as breathing: eating.

Eating should not be an anxiety-inducing activity, it should be enjoyed.

Stop stressing over the small stuff and learn to appreciate your body based on your own terms.

Listen to your body, it knows what’s good for you.

In a world in which we obtain the vast majority of our information on the Internet, we are inundated with contradictory messages. This is particularly true when it comes to dieting and weight loss.

Do yourself a favor, put away your computer and listen to your body instead. It knows what it wants and what it needs better than you might think.

In other words, eat whatever you want, whenever you want it. This doesn’t mean you should go have a binge-eating session at your nearest fast-food establishment, but that there are practical ways to stay healthy without going on a diet.

Believe or not, this dietary philosophy is increasingly being advocated by both nutritionalists and psychologists. It’s known as intuitive eating, and it calls for us to allow our instincts to dictate our diets.

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