
The Key To Staying Young And Healthy Is Eating Exactly What You Want



The Key To Staying Young And Healthy Is Eating Exactly What You Want

There are several key tenets to this philosophy. First, say no to diets and stop feeling guilty for eating what you desire. If you want a slice of pizza, have a slice of pizza.

Eat when you’re hungry, but stop when you’re full. Avoid emotional eating, but eat instead for the purpose of physical nourishment.

Additionally, don’t forget to prioritize exercise, as it’s necessarily for both your physical and mental health.

Above all, listen to your body. It knows what’s good and bad for it. Have you ever noticed you feel terrible and somewhat ill after eating certain junk foods? That’s your body sending you a message.

This doesn’t mean you should chastise yourself for eating unhealthily, but learn to listen to the way your body reacts to different foods.

It goes without saying that it will probably appreciate an apple much more than a donut for example.

Simply put, our body already knows what’s good for us, we just have to be willing to listen.

Successful people don’t sweat the small stuff.

Intuitive eating will help you realize life is too short to spend it stressing over little details like what to eat and drink. We all have enough to worry about, don’t allow frivolous details to dictate your happiness.

Similarly, during a recent interview with Cosmopolitan UK, actress Cameron Diaz stated:

Wellbeing is an equation. Remember, you don’t have to have the whole cake, you can have a piece. Don’t deprive yourself. Have fun. Just be self-aware. If your equation is 80% good, 20% bad most of the time, then a little movement toward the centre isn’t going to affect you much.
Diaz is absolutely right, life doesn’t have to be complicated, it’s all about finding a practical equilibrium.

Research has shown embracing a more simplistic lifestyle, in terms of decisions surrounding everything from our wardrobes to diets, can make us far more efficient and successful.

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