
Ultimate Bread Baking Guide: A Timeless Recipe Passed Down from My Grandmother



Ultimate Bread Baking Guide: A Timeless Recipe Passed Down from My Grandmother

To begin your bread-making adventure, combine the primary ingredients. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the warm water, hot milk, dry yeast, and sugar until well combined. Gradually add the salt and sunflower oil, continuing to whisk until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

Kneading the Dough
Now comes the most rewarding part: kneading the dough. Slowly sift the wheat flour into the mixture, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon. As the dough thickens, transfer it to a wooden board and knead vigorously until it becomes smooth and elastic. This process is crucial for developing the bread’s structure and texture.

Shaping the Loaves
Divide the dough into 10 equal pieces, shaping each into a loaf. Lightly grease your hands with sunflower oil and ensure each loaf is well-coated. Evenly spread a small amount of butter on the top of each loaf. Using your fingers, flatten the loaves into discs, then fold the sides toward the center to form tubes. Place the shaped loaves onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Allowing the Dough to Rise
Cover the loaves with a clean cloth and allow them to rise for about 15 minutes. This resting period is essential for creating light, fluffy bread. Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 190°C (375°F) to prepare for baking.

Preparing for Baking
Beat an egg in a small bowl and brush it over the tops of the loaves to create a glossy finish. For a rustic, homemade appearance, make small incisions on the surface of each loaf. Place the baking tray in the preheated oven and let the magic unfold.

Baking to Perfection
Bake the bread for approximately 25 minutes or until the loaves turn a beautiful golden brown and emit a heavenly aroma. Once baked, remove the loaves from the oven and allow them to cool slightly before indulging in their warm, buttery goodness.



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