
Whisked Banana and Cookie Delight: A No-Bake 5-Minute Dessert!


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Whisked Banana and Cookie Delight: A No-Bake 5-Minute Dessert!

Full Recipe:
2 Bananas: Ripe bananas are best for this recipe as they add natural sweetness and creaminess.
120g Cookies: You can use any type of cookies you likeโ€”digestive biscuits, graham crackers, or any crunchy cookies work well.
35g Butter: Melted, to help bind the crushed cookies together.


75g Whipped Cream: For a light and airy texture in the cream layer.
200g Milk Concentrate (Sweetened Condensed Milk): Adds a rich and creamy sweetness to the dessert.
35g Sugar: To enhance the sweetness of the whipped cream.
Fine Sugar: For sprinkling over the top for added sweetness and texture.
Chocolate Flakes: For garnishing the top, adding a touch of chocolate flavor and a lovely appearance.
1. Prepare the Cookie Base:
Crush the cookies into fine crumbs using a food processor or by placing them in a zip-lock bag and rolling them with a rolling pin.
In a bowl, mix the crushed cookies with the melted butter until the mixture resembles wet sand. This will help the base hold together.

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